High quality fresh cut flowers, conditioned to last, is our promise to you with every bouquet or display we create. Once home, there are one or two simple things you can do to maximise the life of your blooms.



Your flowers will arrive ready to display, but will always benefit from fresh, clean water, mixed with the sachet of flower food provided.

Display the flowers in a cool, light location away from draughts, radiators, direct heat, sunshine or fresh fruit.

Refresh your flowers after 2-3 days. Remove from the vase and re-cut stems by 1-2cm at an angle using sharp scissors or secateurs and replace in fresh water in a clean vase.

As time goes on, remove wilting or dead flowers to avoid contaminating those still going strong or consider removing the happy blooms to create smaller displays around your home.


Seasonal Flower Care

The variety of flowers in season change all year round. Here you’ll find specific care advice to enjoy those fleeting flowers while they’re at their best.



Use sharp scissors to trim one inch off the bottom of the stem at an angle so your ranunculus can slurp up all that tasty water & flower food! Remove excess foliage below the vase’s waterline. Cut flowers aren’t a big fan of direct sunlight so, make sure your vase is in a nice, cool room. If they haven’t bloomed quite yet, it’s okay to place them in a sunnier spot, but only for a short period. Every couple of days, you’ll want to re-trim the stems, change the water, and add more flower nutrients.


Boston Ferns enjoy weekly watering sessions, keeping their soil moist but not wet and avoiding letting the pot sit in water. Mist regularly to keep humidity levels high and position in a bright spot, but with indirect light – bathrooms are ideal. Avoid watering from above, keep your can at soil level just above their roots and note that yellowing or wilted leaves is usually a sign of overwatering, so be quick to adjust your watering routine if needed. A quick touch of the soil should let you know.

Caring for Lilac

Trim the stems before adding your lilacs to a clean vase filled with fresh water and flower food to extend the blossoms' longevity. Remove any foliage that would be submerged in the water to prevent rotting. Place the vase in a location with indirect light to avoid wilting and try to recut the stems every day to ensure they can absorb as much water as possible. Don't forget to replenish the water in the vase regularly to keep the lilacs fresh and vibrant.


Peonies have such a fleeting season that we want to keep them around for as long as possible. We will generally provide your peonies in bud, but they won’t take long to burst open once you’ve got them home.

Before placing into a vase, trim the stems at an angle and make sure to remove any leaves so that they're not submerged in the water. This prevents them from rotting. Keep them away from direct sunlight (they like to be kept quite cool) and replace the water every day or every other day.


One of our most popular flowers, the rose is very simple to care for. Regular fresh water is key, at least every 1-2 days, as roses resting in stale water will wilt rapidly.

They will always benefit from the flower food provided with your bouquet too and make sure to use very sharp secateurs when cutting the stems to avoid tearing or damaging the tip. Trim the lower leaves; any leaves sat in water will rot quickly, causing your rose heads to droop and contaminating other flowers in the display.

Caring for TULIPS

Choose a vase that will cover at least half the height of the tulips to offer them support. They can look pretty bending in a shorter vase but won’t last as long. Remove the extra leaves from the base of the stem and plunge into cold water with flower food.

Top up with cold water every day as this will help keep the stems fresh and crisp. Display them somewhere cool and preferably on their own as they release a substance that causes other blooms to wilt faster.


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